Tuesday, November 5, 2013

MOOCs and Global Education (Part 2)

Below is the presentation that Molly and I created for this project. If you have any problem viewing the presentation embedded here, you can use this direct link: http://voicethread.com/share/5107252/


Unknown said...

Thank you Dennis and Molly,
Before this presentation, I was not too familiar with MOOCs other than the name. I knew they seemed to be a up-and-coming application of educational technology. However, I did not spend a lot of time on them because they seem so daunting. While you provide a lot of information about the adoption of university level adoption, there seems to be an almost nonexistent K-12 application of a MOOC. In your research did you find MOOCs for K-12 populations? I wonder if a K-12 MOOC could be akin to the work of Sigata Mitra.

Dennis Large said...

Kristin, The California State University system has an interesting pilot going. They are partnering with Udacity and allowing high school students (and teachers) to take a Cal State MOOC for free. Then, if the student wants to receive credit for the course, he or she can pay a $150 fee and receive credits. That is much less than the typical Cal State fees. So far it is just in the pilot phase. It will be interesting to watch and see if many high school students take the MOOCs and how many will complete them for credit.