Sunday, September 2, 2012

Episode 3: In which I survive the first week.

A little bit more about me - my current position is as the manager of the ed tech professional development team at the Los Angeles County Office of Education. I have been at the county office for thirteen years now. Before that I was a classroom teacher for thirteen years. I taught special education for three years, and then regular elementary for ten years.

I have also been teaching a hybrid course at the University of La Verne in La Verne, California for about ten years. I teach the ed tech class that teaching credential candidates have to take. One of the things that I enjoy about teaching this class is that is like a little laboratory for me. I can try things with those students that I have read about or seen in a school district.

Our kids (Keara is 25 and Tyler is 20) are not quite sure yet what to make of the idea of Molly and I both going after this doctoral program. Hopefully, they will both end up thinking that the whole thing was a good idea.

This has been a busy week. The scary part is that this will probably end up being the easiest week of the semester. The work load for 601 and 602 were not terribly heavy. It was mostly a matter of staying on top of several smaller assignments. I will say that both the readings and the discussions have been interesting. This cohort will be spending a lot of online time together. So I am glad to see that people are active on the discussions boards.

As the manager of the ed tech professional development team at the Los Angeles County Office of Education, my work schedule is very hectic. Somehow I always seem to feel like I have a handle on things. However, I can't shake the feeling that I am going to miss an assignment in one of these courses. We are all so busy with our jobs, I know that we will all feel the pressure of trying to keep up with this program. Molly and I have a giant calendar on our office wall and we are posting assignments and due dates there. Hopefully, with Molly's help, I will start to feel well organized and stop feeling like I am about to drop one of these juggling balls.

One of the assignments this week was to share a personal webpage. I am choosing to share this one. If you happen to stop by here, please leave me a comment. That would help keep me encouraged!

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