Sunday, June 29, 2014

Online Learning Tools: The Power of Reflective Blogs

I have been blogging for a while now. However, my main blog, Ed Tech Matters, exists mostly as a function of my job. In this blog I try to highlight different educational technology projects and implementations from districts around my county. While this is important work in communicating with
the educational technology community around Riverside County, it is definitely not a reflective blog. I had been resistant to the idea of a reflective blog until going through the reading this week.

Stavredes (2011) asserts that the practice of self-reflection supports the growth of self-directed, independent learners. I can see how a reflective blog, for students and/or the instructor, can be an important piece of that self-reflection. The reading by Stavredes (2011) also indicates the importance of social presence, instructor presence, and cognitive presence in an online course. Blogs can contribute to social and instructor presence when an instructor shares his/her thoughts on a topic and invites interaction from the learners. Cognitive presence can be facilitated through the use of reflective blogs by having students engage in interactive blogs to construct knowledge. "Blogs are an excellent reflective tool for learners to communicate about their learning experiences in the form of an online jo
urnal" (Stavredes, 2011, p.176).

Some adult learners use reflective blogs to learn course content, to foster reflection, to monitor and assess their learning process (Kidd & Keengwe, 2010). The last item in that list, monitoring and assessing their own learning process, is where I think a reflective blog would be good for my own professional practice. I could take a lesson from my wife. She keeps up a professional reflective blog called Balancing on the Leading Edge. It has been her experience that this practice of reflecting through her blog helps her internalize her learning as well as share it our with others in our profession.

I have some concerns about my ability to keep up two professional blogs - one that is part of my job function, and one that is a reflective blog. But I can see the benefits and I do hope that I can make a reflective blog part of my regular professional practice.


Kidd, T. T., & Keengwe, J. (2010). Adult Learning in the Digital Age: Perspectives on Online Technologies and Outcomes (pp. 1-293). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-60566- 828-4

Stavredes, T. (2011). Effective online teaching: Foundations and strategies for student success. John Wiley & Sons.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Persistence and Online Learners

My assignment for this post was to discuss the challenges that affect learners' persistence in online courses and relate those challenges to my own online teaching or learning experiences. Stavredes (2011) defined persistence as referring to the actions of learner as they continue their education from first enrollment through degree attainment. That is a broad definition that would include variables from inside and outside of the educational institution.

Created on by Dennis Large
Researchers have created many models to provide frameworks for understanding the factors of persistence and attrition of learners at traditional higher education institutions. Those models tend to have three things in common. First, they all describe lack of persistence as occurring over time and affected by a learner's ability to create a relationship with the school. Second, the models all describe both social and academic factors that affect a learner's persistence. Third, the models are complex with each having multiple variables.

For online learners, the factors affecting their persistence can be very different from those of the learners at traditional face-to-face institutions. The biggest difference is that many of the factors of the social environment that affect so many face-to-face students do not exist online. So online learners do not typically have the extra support structure of a social environment available to most traditional learners. Also, online students tend to be older (over 24) than traditional students (Stavredes, 2011). These older students tend to have more family and work obligations and more life crises to deal with than younger students.

Created on by Dennis Large
I created these two infographics to illustrate the variables affecting the persistence of adult online learners. The concept map depicts the dimensions of adult online learning that lead to persistence in
learning in an online setting include the ability to contextualize, the degree to which the learner is self-directed, and the dimensions of andragogy. The Venn diagram shows the variables listed come from two different models of persistence. What I find interesting (as with any Venn diagram) is the section in the middle. The variables that are found in both of these models include: ethnicity, academic performance, finances, hours of employment, family responsibilities, and outside encouragement. Where the two models really diverge is in the post-admission to the institution variables of the Rovai model. That model includes external and internal factors that may not have been present prior to enrolling in the institution. Those factors include: life crises, opportunities to transfer, academic integration, social integration, goal commitment, institutional commitment, learning community, study habits, absenteeism, course availability, accessibility of support, and teaching and learning styles.

In my own experience with online learning, I can report that I had a very difficult time with my first online class. It was about six years ago that I first took an online course at a university. I had a difficult time with the lack of a social group. I was used to having a group of students that I would talk with before and after class, and form study groups with, and generally commiserate with. I eventually got past that and adjusted my learning style for further online learning experiences. However, last year I had another very difficult experience with online learning. I tried taking a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) and that was a complete failure. I ended up dropping out of the course three weeks into the eight week course. I did not end up feeling connected to the course, the instructor, or any classmates in any way. I've learned that those social connections are important to me, even in an online course. That realization has also affected the way that I teach online. I try to give plenty of opportunities and options for creating a social environment within the courses that I teach.

Stavredes, T. (2011). Effective online teaching: Foundations and strategies for student success. John Wiley & Sons.